Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Homemade Apple Pie



5-7 Tart Apples, Peeled (use Gala or similar. Don’t use Delicious)
2 Tbsp Flour
Dash Salt
¾ Cup Sugar
1 Tsp Cinnamon
¼ Tsp Nutmeg
2 Tbsp Butter
Never Fail Pie Crust (If you buy already made crust, get Deep Dish)

Never Fail Pie Crust:

1 ¼ Cup Crisco
1 Tsp Salt
3 Cups Flour
1 Egg
6 Tbsp Water
1 Tsp Vinegar

Preheat oven 400.

Peel apples and slice very thin. Set aside in large bowl. 

In small bowl, mix sugar, flour, salt, spices. Add to apples. Fill into pie dish (pile high because the apples will cook down). Dot with butter all along top of apples. Adjust top crust. Bake for 50 minutes

Crust: Sift flour into bowl and add salt & Crisco. Work until size of peas. Beat egg, vinegar and water. Add all at once to flour mixture. Mix and roll out. Makes 3 regular crust and 2 deep dish. Sometimes, instead of just putting a solid top crust, I use the top crust to either cut out a middle picture or use small cookie cutters and cover the top with a design. 

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